Tag Archives: udp hole punching

UDP hole punching implementation in C#

UDP hole punching is a method that is used to establish connectivity between two hosts that are behind a NAT (router) without the need of having the clients port forward specific ports.

When the client sends a UDP packet to the server the router creates a temporary rule mapping, the server then uses the incoming IP address and port it receives the message from to send a message to the client, which refreshes (in most cases) the lifetime of the temporary mapping on the client’s router and allows the server to communicate constantly with the client without the need for the user to do anything from their side.

This method is also used to send messages between two users that are behind different NAT’s. The difference in the implementation is that the clients first contact with the server, which should have a port open in order to be able to receive the information from the clients. After the server receives the information from the clients it sends each client the IP and port of the other client, allowing both of them to communicate with each other.

I’ve created a small example on how the implementation of a UDP hole punching looks in C#, this should give you the general idea of how it works and let you expand it as you like. The example simply receives a message from the client then sends a response. If you want the server to handle more than one message then you will need to add some loops.