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FileUnsigner – Remove digital certificates from files

This small tool was created to simplify the process that was discussed at Remove digital signature from a file using C# and simply aid the people that didn’t have the knowledge on how to compile the code posted there.

This is a small standalone tool that will simply remove the digital signature of any file.

The usage is fairly simple. Either drag and drop the files you want to unsign on the application or use command prompt with the following parameters:

FileUnsigner.exe <options> <file1> <file2> …

Current Options:
/f            Forces the program to remove a digital signiture even if one is not detected.

You will find a download link for FileUnsigner below.


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43 Responses to FileUnsigner – Remove digital certificates from files

  1. eCrofey says:


    is there a parameter how to run multiple files without the press a key to continue message?

  2. user says:

    works well, appreciate the share.

  3. Jessica says:

    Thank you so much.

  4. mostafa says:

    thank you for this app.

  5. Mike Tully says:

    Is the latest version from 2013>? Win10 doesn’t seem to recognize it and I get a cmd prompt message saying to d’load the latest version which this seems to be. Thanks!

    • CooLMinE says:

      The latest version is from 2013 as you mentioned. You shouldn’t be getting a prompt to download anything as there is no update checking in the software.

  6. Kris says:

    Using it on Windows 10 to install Malwarebytes. The drag and drop seemed to work, I got the cmd line response that said the unsigning was successful. When I clicked on the file to install the program, I get an error code:

    Unable to execute in the temporary directory. Error 170: The requested resource is in use.

  7. Joe says:

    Hello. This works great on exe files, but doesn’t seem to work on .msi files. Is there any way to remove a digital cert from the .msi file? Thanks.

  8. Carl says:

    Anyone having trouble unzipping the file? It does not give me an option to unzip on both my laptop and desktop that both run windows 10.

    • Joe says:

      it’s a .rar file. install 7zip and use that for all compression/decompression types. if the file isn’t associated by default, right-click on the file and choose “extract to…”

  9. Matt says:

    Is there a way to remove specific digital signatures from a file that contains more than 1 digital signature? For example, if a file had 2 digital signatures, is it possible to remove only 1 of the 2, leaving the remaining digital signature present?

    • CooLMinE says:

      Currently no. FileUnsigner will always remove the the signature at index 0.

      Thank you for the feedback though. I might implement the “list signatures” / “remove specific signatures” functionality as it sounds like a nice feature to have.

      As for now, if you know the index of the signature, you can hardcode the index in line 74, compile the software and then run it.

      Pull requests are always welcome.

      • Matt says:

        Thank you for your reply with the additional information. I think “list signatures” / “remove specific signatures” options would add significant value. In the meantime, I will try your suggestion to edit line 74 and specify the index #; is there a way to determine the index number by looking at the signature properties? Or, do the signatures simply go in numerical order, e.g. index 0, index 1, index 2, etc.?

  10. Mark says:

    Hello, I’m using this command as a Windows administrator “FileUnsigner.exe” to remove the digital signature from a .cat (driver catalog) file.

    If I ran the command multiple time, the command output is always the same, and seems that the signature is not removed from the file: “RESULTS: 0: Successfully unsigned” while the digital signature tab is still present on file properties.

    Same result with /f option.

    Any suggestion is welcomed.

  11. Mark says:

    Help please!!

  12. IW39 says:

    It keeps exiting out of the FileUnsigner when I drag the file onto it.

    • IW39 says:

      Can someone please help me with this?

      • CooLMinE says:

        Hello IW39,

        FileUnsigner shouldn’t just exist without any message. Something else is going on here.

        What happens if you run FileUnsigner from command prompt (cmd.exe) with the relevant arguments? Does it display more information?

        Example: C:\FileUnsigner.exe “C:\SignedFile.exe”

  13. DarkmanXT says:

    Worked perfectly! Had been trying to install new driver file for wifi card for 2 weeks until I found this. Awesomely simple. :)

  14. Camelonian says:

    Doesn’t seem to work any more. Tried using it on HP Recovery Manager and it reports that it doesn’t appear to be digitally signed.

  15. Rascal35 says:

    Thanks! It worked fine.

  16. Nathan Graham says:

    Brilliantly simple. It just works. Download Now!

  17. Pitters says:

    Thanks, CoolMinE, worked – enabled me to re-install SQLBakUPftp . . .

    now wretched Windows 10 has blocked it again “for my security” :(

    Any ideas what I could try next?

    • CooLMinE says:

      Hard to say without being able to replicate the problem sadly. I have the SmartScreen featured disabled so I never get these “warnings”.

      My guess would be that, even if you unsigned the installer, therefore allowing you to install SQLBakUPftp, the files that were installed are probably signed as well. You can start by verifying if this is the case and trying to remove the certificates for those files as well.

  18. Larry says:

    Fantastic Util. Saved my bacon

  19. Swami says:

    I want to remove digital signature from .pdf file. Will fluxbyte be useful?

  20. avinsah says:

    Trojan Virus high level

  21. user says:

    Thank you for the tool. It enabled old drivers to be installed on Win 10

  22. Selim Atmaca says:

    Great! it works

  23. Brenden says:

    I was wondering, how am I able to use this on a windows system file, without getting an access denied message?



    • CooLMinE says:

      Access denied probably means that you are not running the program as administrator. Lunch command prompt as an admin then call the program with the needed parameters as usual.

  24. Mark M says:

    Works flawlessly, thank you for the tool

  25. chrisuem says:

    love the drag and drop functionality extremely easy to use

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