How to install MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials) on Windows Server

As you may know Windows Server products do not allow the installation of the majority of antivirus products. By using the method below you will be able to install Microsoft Security Essentials on most of the Windows Server products.
First you will need to download the Windows 7 MSE version that suits your needs depending on your preferred language and CPU architecture (32/64bit).
Right click the file you have downloaded, go to the “Compatibility” tab and change the installer’s compatibility mode to Windows 7.
Finally you will need to run the installer with an extra parameter, /disableoslimit. This can be achieved by either creating a shortcut for the installer and adding /disableoslimit at the end of the target field or by using command prompt to append /disableoslimit at the end. In command prompt it should look similar to this C:\mseinstall.exe /disableoslimit
After that simply follow the installer instructions to install MSE like normal !
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